Finished the Resources&Credits page!!

it's actually done!! of course i'll still be adding to it all the time - i've already added another resource just today - but finally i can stop fretting over how i can make it look good. i also started work on my about page, added a couple more songs to the player (from K-On this time), tweaked the button marquee, fixed the janky navigation bar and added a "what's new" section (๑˘︶˘๑)

Filled out the graphics section!

all the old links are there, plus a bunch of new ones :) i also gave some styling to the table, added thumbnails (which ZOOM when u hover them omg wow) and added a little blurb at the top. and now it's march!! and spring will be here soon ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡

Began renovating my Resources&Credits page!

so yeah, the iframe thing ended up not being a thing at all thanks to someone on the neocities subreddit pointing me in the right direction... i was totally confused (´ ∀ ` ;) now i'm upgrading my resources page to something other than a literal wall of text! (finally)
...happy leap day btw!!

Switched to an iframe-based design!

i am fighting for my life over here but got the first step of the layout done! my "index" is now just the header, sides and footer and the home content is in an iframe ヾ(´〇`)ノ♪♪♪ (there were some weird issues with margins) i'm struggling to find guides/tips surrounding this kind of layout and javascript is a whole other beast, but i'm willing to die on this hill if it comes to it _(:3 」∠)_

Added music!

again it's subject to change, but for now icm using 6 songs from katamari and 1 camellia song, and i think they help convey the vibe i'm going for :) also updated my resources page with some button stuff and (_ _*) Z z z

Added music player!

i used code from but haven't updated my credits page yet (also have yet to decide on the music). added some more buttons to the marquee and found this really nice leaf/flower divider on mypillowfort, so i finally get to use that ginkgo gif as well
ヽ(´▽`)ノ ✿ also i shrunk the main container a bit!

Added changelog!

right now i'm using an iframe and keeping the text in a html file but it seems a little janky so i might change it later, also replaced some blinkies, changed the way my to-do list works (same as the changelog now) and added banners and a button marquee :)