blog o( ❛ᴗ❛ )o

thanks for visiting my blog! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

help yourself to my highly inconsistent, (not so) wide selection of posts, thoughts, updates, reviews, rambles, dreams, tutorials, media and videos, all cluttered onto a webpage with vague theming attached

i may talk about more serious topics here and there but my site will never be used for venting or traumadumping, and any sensitive content will be marked clearly at the top of the page. also, i kind of use my account as a microblog, so feel free to browse that too if you're interested :)

First post and templatey exampley type thing

1m 30s read, just an unorganized ramble to test my blog mechanics out c:


17/05/2024 Hey! ...Is that how you start a blog post? I guess you treat it like an essay? Just open with an introduction to the themes and subject of the post probably? And also what about capitalisation? How do I decide if I'm going to write all my blog posts in proper grammar or if I'm just going to write them casually like all the other stuff on my site? It's not like if I change my mind next week I can just press a button and switch everything over. It's gonna be a huge pain to change. But the inconsistency will bother me more if some are in lower case and others are super formal. But I don't want it to be formal, I want it to be easy.

Sometimes I find writing with full grammar and everything to be a bit uncomfortable. It's not really hard or anything, it's more like I'm so used to the casual non grammatical way of texting that I find it difficult to actually convey my tone and voice when I can't use emojis or write run-on sentences and stuff. And the worst is trying to find a comfortable middle ground between the two. Short text? Perfect, just write it casually. Long essay? Great, write it formally. E-mail? Uhh... I guess write it kind of formally(?) but don't treat it like your English teacher will read it. Super short two-sentence e-mail? uuuuhhhh...

funny cat
funny cat

I wanna see what it looks like if I add more text here so I'm just gonna ramble for a bit more. While I work on this, I have SanchoPanda's video on the history of Ico speedrunning open (which is a really good video by the way). I finished the game a couple days ago already but it feels like my heart still hasn't healed. Man, this game. When I think about it I feel this sadness aching as if I'm going to cry, but I never actually do. I've never really gone into a period of "mourning" like this before over a game. Or anything, actually? At least I think I haven't.

The whole thing is this simple, resonant experience that really hit me hard. The ending felt kind of anti-climactic at first? But after the credits it all just sunk in and now it won't go away. What a beautiful game. It's definitely something I ought to write about properly in the future.