blog o( ❛ᴗ❛ )o

thanks for visiting my blog! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

help yourself to my highly inconsistent, (not so) wide selection of posts, thoughts, updates, reviews, rambles, dreams, tutorials, media and videos, all cluttered onto a webpage with vague theming attached

i may talk about more serious topics here and there but my site will never be used for venting or traumadumping, and any sensitive content will be marked clearly at the top of the page. also, i kind of use my account as a microblog, so feel free to browse that too if you're interested :)

Favourite site survey results!

?m ??s read, a list of everyone's favourite sites and announcement of the winners of the art raffle!


04/03/2025 the results are in!! if you missed it, this is an art raffle-cross-survey where users had to write about their favourite indie websites in order to enter! in total there were 24 entrants totalling around 52 sites in this list, and the lucky winners of the art raffle are illym, zosie and hocus! congratulations you guys, i look forward to hopefully making something great for you all :D

this is by far my favourite event i've ever been part of, and i hope this page serves as both a great resource to find incredible sites - now and in the future - and also as a time capsule of our community as it is today, just one small glimpse into the world-spanning web of individuals all putting their love and creativity into this virtual space.

thank you, so much, to everyone who entered, and please enjoy this randomly ordered collection of awe-inspiring sites that i - and, evidently, others - can vouch for!! ❤



— absolutely adore how much fun they have with html on their pages. I especially love snew's fursona/mascot and their art is beautiful.
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Lottie's Web Space
— Thingamabob has such a cute Me-tan themed index !! I also love their adorable strawberry shortcake about page !? So cute.
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— Lopster always has such cool layouts, I'm loving the current theme (fujo miku ftw). Overall they're just amazing coders that inspire me greatly
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burial cloth
— it's my friend's site :) I really love the climate they create on their site. it was my introduction to neocities and I just love it so much
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nillys network

— i love their aesthetics!! i love websites that try and copy certain aesthetics throughout internet history (frutiger aero, 90s geocities sites, etc) and i draw a lot of inspiration from them! i originally wanted to copy their aesthetics, but i think ive sorta developed my own style from it and tbh its the first time in a long time ive actually been proud of myself!! which trust me is very rare
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[same as above]
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[same as above]
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Vashti's Room
— beautiful layout & writing. very unashamedly themselves. i'd use the word "raw" to describe this site (positive connotation). has reached out to me in kindness on several occasions. i especially love their collection of quotations
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— one of the first websites i saw on neocities. lots of love put into it & sets a good standard for what i want my website to be like in a few years—documentation of myself through cute sozai and melancholic diary entries. hehehe
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Literature Girl
— great writer & has again extended their kindness to me in the past. so much thought poured into this website & i feel like i'm always learning something new when i check it out. the name "literaturegirl" checks out
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Lewis Lab


— Xalli of tehuan dot neocities was one of my first "neighbors" on neocities that I actually interacted with, and I think he was the first person who commented on my site. He takes great photos, too. If you read this, sorry I dropped your writing club after two weeks.
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— The second person who commented on my site. this site is really cool and sprawling and it's just a great place to be. I love it. I think more people should visit this site.
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— Another of the first sites I interacted with. Ever since I first clicked onto Lapi's page from the "activity" section of Neocities, I fell deeply in love with their artwork. Their comic "Kindle" is one I always go back to.
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Starry's Grove


Ivyswell Tavern
— The first thing that caught my attention was the site's design. It feels as if you're stepping into an old tavern, inhabited by ancient spirits. Every page has it's own theme too! The webmaster really has an eye for creating designs that work well together. Not only that, but he's a pretty good writer as well! Some of my favorite pages are his game log, blog, and the writings section. It's always fun to read whenever I stop by.
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— A fitting name for a great website! This was one of the first websites I found when I discovered neocities and has always been a personal favorite. The rainbows, patterns, and just overall content and design just emits creativity.
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KiwiMeowo's Home
— A really homely website with beautiful CSS. I love reading their blog and looking at their OCs. There's a lot of love put into sharing Kiwi's art and interests.
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MEOWCO Homepage
— I adore their art style and I think it's super cool how they have their own comic series!
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— I adore his music and his horse character, also super impressive considering how young he is lol
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Bunnie Burrow


— Gogogal is not only a visual treat but has a great 'Galrchive' that preserves gyaru history.
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— Daikonet is what I think when I say my favorite color is green. Its distilled overgrowth, nature and the man made web no longer at odds but rather working in tandem to produce an idealistic future.
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West Mansion
— Don't even get me started on how cool The West Mansion is! Its by far one of the best fansites to exist; its been around since 2001 and has been the best place to get all info on the Splatterhouse series. That level dedication to preserve these games bring me endless joy!
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— INCREDIBLY CUTE! i adore all the separate pages for all of their little characters,,, i've commissioned them like 3 times by now cuz i just adore their art so so muuuch. its so cutesy. very Bubbles and Pink.
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— THIS SITE IS THE REASON I STARTED CODING IN THE FIRST PLACE... before this i was obsessed with the old internet but i would just stare at it from afar.. when i saw this i was like . "Oh my god i need to make one. Oh my god." and its SOOOO AWWESOME!! the gallery page bein a cute little house... all the textures and the music and the stickers make me CRAAZY!!!!
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Zosie's Snack Site


— This is one of the most creative and impressive websites I've seen on the indie web. I love that it looks like an OS with custom themes and functionality.
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lorrin's island


— Maph, your own site is inspirational to me! But for the sake of people discovering sites, I'll do 2 more.
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— Inkcaps was one of the first sites I discovered, and I fell in love. It's hard not to copy every single page idea of theirs, I absolutely loved all the pages to explore - closets, witchy stuff, sewing... I mean it's basically from my own brain but so much cooler.
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The Bone Folder
— Re: The Bone Folder/emilynhoward, I really like this site. I just discovered it earlier, and am so excited to gobble up all the poetry and writings. I read 1 poem and was hooked from then on, and I am NOT a poetry person.
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Motivated Tomato
Nightless Illusion


NEØNbandit Street
— I love the art they make and the design of the website has a great aesthetic. Besides, being able to see their art and their blog/thoughts on their site makes everything much more unique than having it just posted on "normal" social media.
On the other hand, I did not include your page above because I understand you were referring to other sites, but it looks amazing!!!
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Pamela's Website
[same as above]
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[same as above]
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— phrogee is my indie web maximalist muse. this site is my biggest inspiration, every page is so creative and beautifully executed, and it has so many fun easter eggs and little interactive bits
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— revolution909 is so 90's punk rock, this is the coolest website i've found on Neocities so far and the aesthetics are impeccable. shannon is such a cool and interesting person and it reflects on every single page.
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juneish dot neocities dot org
— juneish is the most talented webdev i've ever seen. her site is constantly changing, browsing her archive page is such a joy because she just never stops creating new beautiful layouts. her graphic design and javascript skills are off the charts, i want to be june when i grow up
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[anonymous website]

anonymous animal
[ ]
— It's one of my favorite indie website experiences. I think everyone should experience this at least once.
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— blue-white used to be my favorite color combination and I still have a weak spot for it.. I also love the dreamy feeling, art and general layout. one of the more unique ones out there
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— SAME thing with the blue, but also the tropical/frutiger aero aesthetic and inclusion of green in that combo, good times.. this persons 3D art is beautiful, been to their VRchat room and spent way too much time in there (the playlist is so good)
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— the art!!! look at that art.. and the characters (u cant see it but I have heart eyes rn) the layout itself (especially the drawn elements) give such an authentic old web feel I can't wait to see this site grow
there's more but alas the limit is 3 ... ᓚᘏᗢ
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Winter Memories


— I'm not too good at articulating my thoughts about someone else's work (especially if they're personal works) but I think these websites are just such a clear view into the makers and their personalities! I find both of them to be quite comfortable in their own way, and so I hope that more people may take enjoyment in their sites ^_^.
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Sunfish Dreamworld
[same as above]
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[anonymous website]

[ ]
— I always look forward to their writing, and seeing the klee angel that watches over it
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Alissa Meanswell


— I get most of the best games, and fun activities to wander with in my free time from there.
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Sister Diecut Sits At Home
— everything about this site feels so cozy. It has a consistent and beautiful vintage theme and a lot of interactivity.
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— I love the warm palette and art style of this site. There are some great references to art history from around the world.
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— I chose these websites as my favorites because I love their designs and I am a big fan of the art they post onto their websites. They have all been inspirations for me to make my own website. \(^u^)/
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NEØNbandit Street
[same as above]
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Twelve Men
[same as above]
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[anonymous website]

— This is the (not currently updating) website of the author of the game that changed my life. It may not be interesting to people who haven't played Witch's Heart, but I encourage you to click on the yellow links to the left and see what sort of fun and beautiful things she's drawn... And maybe play her game :P
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angel valentine


des' digital journal
— there's so much to read here! loads of hours of stuff to learn about and just get lost in
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— i love snew's art and u can learn about the best girl ever, perla
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— I genuinely enjoy the site designs that you and the other two listed have created. It's so fun to visit all of them and see whats new! :)
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[same as above]
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[same as above]
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confetti cake


beary creme delight
— i love bearycremedelight's adorable site and super cool art :) their 2d art is so smooth and the shading is amazing, and their 3d art makes me want to eat it
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— slushiecafe's site is also so so adorable, it's so cozy and calming! their art is sweet and cute
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— and lastly, i loooooove christinee's site for how colorful and bubbly it is!! it makes me smile every time i see it :)!!
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